Always be open to all possibilities and perspectives.

Take what resonates and simply ignore the rest, for everyone's truth is different.

We are all connected yet we are still all unique beings contributing to the collective consciousness.


If you enjoyed your experience here please tell others

and feedback is always welcome.

Hours before the 2024 Jupiter Uranus conjunction (April 21 - 03:27UT) I was honoured to participate with two fellow astrologers, Roy Gillett and Martha Clarke, in a live chat, hosted by Gemma Harwood on behalf of the UK satellite of the Organization for Professional Astrology, on the subject of the outer transpersonal planets and their transformative effect on the world over the next three years.

My own presentation was primarily on the subject of transiting Pluto with particular reference to the quincunx (inconjunct) aspect to natal Pluto which is currently applying to 3% of the global population including myself as a 'baby boomer' approaching yet another stage in the journey known as life.

It concluded with an overview of the Human Design System and the 2027 prophecy which ties in with the cycles of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.

In response to requests from attendees on the Zoom webinar I have created this page to provide more information on the Human Design System which is also known as the science of differentiation.

I showed a slide of combined astrology/HDS chart from Health Manifested and gave the site owner, Victoria Bagnall, a little plug as a belated birthday present to her as amongst her  many offerings are professional HDS readings from three different analysts.

I also showed a Genetic Matrix chart as this site is my go to site for creating charts in many different formats and the site is unique in including 'talking charts' and Gene Keys charts. Access is available at four different levels, none of which require a regular commitment.

I mentioned two of Ra's original British students, Richard Beaumont and Richard Rudd, whose offerings can be found at Human.Design and Gene Keys respectively.

I demonstrated Human Design using the student edition of the Jovian Archive MMI software that I first downloaded back in 2007 and I also mentioned the fabulous Human Design app produced by Healing Shore LLC (available on both Android and Apple) but there are other 'spin-off' sites that I'd like to mention including that of yet another Brit, Steve Rhodes, author of the God Code, who has recently made access to Baantu completely free, Ankhara Rose's The Success Codex and especially Nathalie Strassburg's 'The Spectrum i-ching' whose work on intuitive geometry and self-realisation is absolutely amazing.

My review of HDS would be incomplete without a mention of the wonderful work of Ashley and Bella, the two beautiful souls behind Unlock Your Design, whose passion is self-evident in the wonderful site they have created.

I endorsed the HDS 'bible' and I also have available, on request, a PDF of 'The Complete Rave I'Ching' which delineates the gates with the astrological zodiac degrees. HDS has many 'modalities' identifying diets, environments and 'Base Group 5' for conscious business models.

If you're interested in the 'prophecy' then take these links, discovered in my research, to articles/blogs by Ashley Briana Eve, Charlie's 'Projector Movement',  and finally the perspective offered at HumDes.info.

At this stage I expect I would be hearing "information overload" and therefore I respectfully suggest you take it one step at a time as my progressed Virgo sun is simply unable to apply the KISS maxim/acronym. Having worked in retail all of my life I firmly believe in the adage that 'retail is detail' and the principle 'it's not who you know, but what you know' that counts.

Apart from just two of the links above I do not have affiliate agreements with any of the sites I endorse because I believe that sharing the information and the knowledge I've gained over the years is far more important than lining my own pocket. That said, any contribution, no matter how small, would be most welcome be it financial, recommendation or even a review.

As promised to attendees of the webinar a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation is now available for free download here and includes some hyperlinks and additional notes. When the webinar is uploaded to the cloud, it will also be viewable here for either your pain/pleasure given that I'm a writer (surprise!) rather than a speaker and my monotonous tone is not for everyone. lol (This was my first ever Zoom presentation as my nervousness and self-conscious nature showed)

Meanwhile, for your further entertainment, you can listen to our first ever commercial on Hebden Bridge's sadly short-lived radio station, Yorkshire Hits, by clicking on the video to the left/below (desktop/mobile view)