
Give Everyone Love And Gain Extraordinary Omniscience

"Love expressed toward every living thing and existing is the only way to manifest divine consciousness that enables everything into existence, which is our essence or soul."

Ivan Antic, Metaphysics of Astrology - why astrology works


This site aims to provide advice, support and guidance for those who may be interested in the eternal quest of knowing themselves through the esoteric sciences and all associated fields of learning.  To paraphrase one of

Henry Ford's well known quotes:  "Anyone who keeps learning stays young"

We invite you to get your FREE 10-12 page horoscope chart with interpretations of your sun, moon and rising signs. (The latter, also known as the ascendant, needs an actual birth time to provide an accurate report).

If you who wish to learn about the Human Design System please claim your FREE foundation chart. with an option to purchase the unique Genetic Matrix Foundation Report & talking charts explaining your unique design in detail.

Whilst you can obtain instant astrological reports and tarot readings through our online store* we also offer a personal service with wholly reasonable prices reflecting the breadth of our knowledge and experience and with the principle aim of encouraging everyone to become their own astrologer.


We are on the cusp of a new paradigm for our planet where the old way of everything and everyone having a price will no longer serve humanity - the end of unhealthy competition and separation. In the spirit of this rise in consciousness (global awareness) we invite you to call/text/email us with any questions you may have related to any aspect of the esoteric sciences as we are here to serve each other in whatever way we can.

Thus you are kindly invited to assist us by sharing this site with your family and friends and through your own social media channels. We have also added a couple of donation options to the bottom of the page for those who wish to provide a helping hand with this venture which is our vocation and truly a labour of love, aka meraki.


Have some fun - listen to a song about each of the zodiac signs

* The store is operated on our behalf by Stardm Ltd and provides profile, forecast and relationship reports together with tarot readings and special packages. Free samples are available for 8 of the most popular reports, two of which are shown below. Your feedback and reviews are always welcome as are any questions you may have arising from any reports that you have purchased.

Since your email address isn't shared with us we would ask you to contact us separately so that we may thank you personally for your custom.

(A free chart and a small selection of popular reports, priced in US$, are also available through our software supplier here)


Turning the fundamental question 'Who am I?'

into the statement


- an authentic and empowered soul

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